Monday, April 5, 2010

Intro to Indigenous Anarchy

Welcome to the first blog about my thoughts and beliefs of what indigenous anarchy is. Anarchy, is a utopia society: Education is free, healthcare is free, public transportation is freepeople, people work for the sake of the community not corporations, health care is free because it is a human right, people in the community live as equals, police do not exist because people live together with respect and solidarity. The community do not need to steal because it is all available to them.

The reclaiming of our indigenous ways of living with respect to our mujeres our Tonatzin, our bodies, our neighbors foreign and domestic, finding our traditions and ceremonies that were taken and hid from us, so on and so fourth.
With this in mind I will post up experiences, talks with people on the Metro on my way to school, work, or simply just traveling, the things I see in through the medias, books I read my experiences with organizers, Danzantes, and of coarse with my In Lak Etch. Please come in with an open heart as I read this as we try to build a world where many worlds fit.

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